Dues Payments
Labor Assistance Professionals Annual Dues: If you are an existing LAP member, please make your dues payment to the local chapter treasurer whenever possible. If you are a new member and are requesting to join LAP, please complete the new member application form (located at the “Membership” tab on the main page menu bar) and mail payment along with the membership form to: CHARLEY GALASSINI, TREASURER Please use all captial letters for easier reiading by the treasurer. Make checks payable to “National Labor Assistance Professionals.” Note to Chapter Presidents and Treasurers: Mail chapter membership dues to Charley Galassini and be sure to include the member names and all of their demographic information with your payment. Remember, the dues are $60.00 for active members and $30.00 for qualified retirees*. Your chapter pays $12.00 per active member and $6.00 per retired member to LAP National. Again, make all checks payable to “National Labor Assistance Professionals.” *Qualified retiree: Must be retired from the trade and no longer working for or with any organization. Must be a LAP member in good standing for at least two (2) years prior to retirement. If you have further questions concerning member dues contact Treasurer Charley Galassini at superbowl1996@sbcglobal.net.
Page Last Updated: Oct 20, 2022 (04:48:50)